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Summer’s First Peony

Whilst on a walk through the local gardens, today I saw the first peony of the summer. This made me mightily happy. Peonies are one of my favourite flowers and if I had it my way the whole garden would be full of them. This particular variety is a crimson colour and looked stunning with the full sun beaming down on it, such a blousy flower they are the ultimate summer bloom.

These peonies were planted next to a border of hostas, I think you can spot five different varieties here. Lots of lush green foliage, prooves that you can make such great impact by just using leafy plants. The foliage was immaculate with not a slug trail in sight, usually the slugs make a beeline for the tasty hostas!

I loved the vivid yellow and orange colour of the azalea bush against the softer lilacs and blues of the blue bells and forget-me-nots. Clashing, multi-coloured planting which suited the mood of this bright summer’s day perfectly. What are you favourites in the garden at the moment? Surely they are changing all the time, I know that mine are!


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